11:15 PM | Tuesday, December 30, 2008
dec 30/tuesday-met up with steven at sembawang. went over to the street soccer court at amk. met up with nick,danny and terence there. wanhao join us a while later. haha. then victor came about a hour later. (: had fun! haha. vic went home,while the rest of us went over to amk kfc. :D ate there and talked till 5 plus and headed home. on the way to amk mrt,saw this levis school shoe at central. haha. wanted to get it probably tomorrow or something. anw,met up with jerome around 7.45 at amk. had dinner with him at foodcourt. went around shopping at amk. went to buy the levis shoe! :D haha. yay! walked around somemore before going home.alright. i can't wait for tomorrow! mum have decided to reward me with a crumpler bag! going to get it tomorrow with the usuals! :D haha. countdown at vivo with them i guess! :D shopping spree tomorrow! woohoo! anw,bible study with jordan was cancelled today. hope everything will go well for his family. let's pray for him. (: one and around 30 mins more day to 2009! haha. let's finish off 2008 on a high and good note. (: because 2008 have been more or less quite a good year! and also i get to know God during this year. so it's a special year. :D alright,shall blog again! :Di like it when you tie your hair up,with specs too. (: i doubt you know who you are.
11:03 PM | Monday, December 29, 2008
recent pictures! (:

footsteps in the night,

my ultra super duper cute nephew,jason! :D

my sunshine,
10:24 PM |
boring day as usual.
dec 29/monday-woke up at 10. feeling very tired after yesterday match and outing. really didn't feel like going to trg. but still pulled myself to. reached school around 12.30. went to buy books and uniform first. took a long time,cause i thought school bookshop can make nets payment. cause i tried before the other time. haha. anw,the school uniform have some slight difference in the new one. haha. sucks i tell you. the new line. haha. but no choice,there's limited size for the old uniform. some troubles took place during trg,had a hard time finding a ball. haha. in the end,thanks to joshua koh. haha. okay,it's very troublesome to type one whole chunk here. so yup,not going to say. ask me if you want. haha. trg till 3.15. and headed to market for lunch. ate and talked till 5 and all of us headed home.so bored man. okay,so jerome couldn't go out tomorrow. changing it to wendesday with the usuals! :D countdown after that with them! yayness. we have been counting down at mengchao's house for two years already! haha. okay,shall post the pictures up later! :D shall blog again! :Di am tired of everything.
11:02 PM | Sunday, December 28, 2008
second win,a big one.
dec26/saturday-met up with jerome,mengchao and adeline. headed down to plaza sing. bought tickets for australia! haha. went to eat carl's junior then headed to meet gary. he wanted to eat long john,so waited for him. haha. went to get chippy to eat inside the cinema! haha. headed to the cinema to watch the movie! the show was great,though it was long,i think it was quite a nice show. ended around 9. trained home after that. haha,wahlau. that adeline insisted us to take photo with her! haha.dec 27/sunday-headed directly to church,since i was late. met shaun outside. jerome was already in church. haha. mengchao came shortly while pastor veronica was praying. service was great! sermon was about the lost Son. :D haha. anw,left after service. market for breakfast. and took 72 over to tampines. went over to tampines mall,as mengchao needed to get shampoo for victor. bought it at guardian and headed over to tampines sports hall. saw azmeer with his mj team-mates. also saw sayadi! haha. with his nus team-mates. watched a while the match before us. then tat they all came. so changed,warm-up,team talk. and waited very long for the match. cause we went out to do warm-up slightly earlier then usual. after the match,our turn to go in. haha. did our drills longer then usual. first period wasn't that good. was down 2-1. then second period,we came back! haha. 4-2 or 5-3 up. third period was even better. won the match by 9-5. didn't show much of our temper today,so we had a great match. and praise Lord for everything! Amen. jerome scored 4 today,tat 2,andrew 2,wenjie 1. wahlau,jerome scoring form back already. haha. anw,bathed and changed. went over to kfc. ate and left for pasir ris park. the rest went to watch twilight. haha. uncle thomas came over to pick me up at tampines,so headed over to pasir ris park. met up with all my relatives,haha. quite sometimes since i last saw them. think it's end of oct till now. haha,my super duper cute little nephew! haha. starting he don't care me one man. after playing with him over at the playground,he suddenly keep sticking to me! haha. headed home around 9.30.tired day! haha. but had fun today! :D great game,great outing. school reopening in 4-5 days time. that's great. i need a break man. i don't know why today,the first few mins,suddenly like had breathing disorder. had to like breathe very hard throughout the first period. and i feel worst during the second. but better during the third. haha,i think it's God who is with me always. :D thank you dear Lord! alright,school trg tomorrow. tuesday,should be going out with jerome and victor for shopping! haha. and wednesday,who wants to go celebrate the last year of 2008 together! haha. :D shall go rest already! might post the pictures later! :D shall blog again! :Di am left with You dear Lord,and you too.
1:42 AM | Saturday, December 27, 2008

christmas gift! captain america boxer and black pepper cup noodles! lol.
1:10 AM |
christmas dinner and gift exchange!
dec 25/thursday aka christmas day!-continue-d from the previous post. haha. steven came over and sat for a while. headed to sun plaza with mengchao and steven. went to get steven's present,and headed to meet the rest of them. met up with jianyi and his siblings at yishun. went to yishun's GV and bought tickets for bedtime stories! :D haha. after that,went over to the new northpoint. ate kfc there,as steven was hungry. gary and jerome met us there. then met victor at the old northpoint. so headed to the cinemas to catch the movie! :D haha. the movie was quite funny! haha. adam sandler yo! haha. after that,trained to sembawang. jianyi's sis went back,his brother followed us. waited for wanhao and nick to reach. gary and steven went to sun plaza to arcade or something first i think. we followed wanhao and nick to sun plaza to get their gifts,but since they didn't know what to buy,the rest of us headed back first. they came over around half an hour later together. haha. steamboat! :D everybody was full after a hour of eating! haha. sparkling juice and red wineeeee! butttt. wasn't really the original. fruity kind of red wine! haha. had gift exchange after the little nyona show! this is what everybody gets after that. gary-received wanhao's present. it's a snoopy water bottle and those party blowers? lol! i don't know to say!
wanhao-received jianyi's present. got a cute robot. it's like a piggy bank. haha,and some piggy cushion. haha.
jerome-received mengchao's present. ripcurl pencil case that mengchao got at flash and splash. wahlau,i wanted that!
jianyi-received steven's present. an red and green neck umbro jersey! haha. jianyi looks nice in that jersey! haha.
steven-received victor's present. a gold braziliano praia(slipper type). haha. lucky guy!
victor-received gary's present. a purple havaianas! he's freaking lucky! cause he wanted to exchange with gary!
nick-received my present. lifehouse CD that i got at HMV! haha. i thought nobody likes it! haha. but i think that's the new lifehouse album!
mengchao-received nick's present! haha. a tigger and two yo-yo's! hahaha. the worst present i guess!
me-received jerome's present! haha. a captain america boxer that jerome got at river island and one super black peper crab cup noodles-.-! haha.
yup! that's what we received! shall post the photo of my present later! haha. played NHL on ps2,then jianyi,his brother,nick,gary and steven left. haha. the rest stayed over! haha. wanhao,vic and mengchao went downstairs around 2 plus. haha. came back around 4. then we started to talked till 5 plus before everybody fell asleep! haha.
dec 26/friday aka boxing day!-i woke up around 9.30. haha,psped and jerome then woke up around 11. before the rest of them woke up near to 1! haha. went over to sun plaza foodcourt for lunch. they all headed home after that. fell asleep around 5! and woke up at 5.40! when trg starts at 5.30-.- so rushed down to trg. haha. played matches and stuffs. left at 8.30. went over to market for dinner. headed home with jerome and gary after that.
Happy Birthday Diane! :D
yup! so christmas is over! here comes new year! and suddenly i am dreading school reopen. i know it sounds very contradicting cause last week post,i said i was looking forward to school. but like what cling said,yeahhhhh. it's last year for us in phs. so fast man. let's enjoy next year everyday! haha. :D going out with jerome,mengchao,adeline and maybe gary tomorrow! :D going to watch australia at vivo! haha. alright,shall blog again! :D
you keep me blind,
1:33 PM | Thursday, December 25, 2008
christmas! (:
dec 24/wednesday-met up with jerome and mengchao and supposedly wanhao around 4. went to shopped around orchard and we all got our presents for the gift exchange that is going to take place on christmas night! :D haha. shalln't say what we got! haha,i will blogged what we had after we opened our presents! :D while shopping,ate pepper lunch at taka. then headed to city hall. haha. walked around till 8 plus before heading home. :D haha. they stayed over at my house! nicholas came over tooo. dad and mum bought kfc for supper! :D wooohooo. haha. so played ps2,comp,psp,poker and ate a lot of junk food! plus sparkling juice! haha. :D slept around 4 plus 5. haha.dec 25/thursday-woke up around 8.45. :D slack a while then bathed and headed to church. nicholas headed home. got baptism service! coool. haha. went market to eat breakfast after that. jerome headed home and mengchao came over. haha.Happy Birthday Shufei! :Dalright,meeting the rest of the guys at yishun later for movie! BEDTIME STORIES! :D haha. steamobat at my house after that! hahaha,RED WINE. wooooo. alright,going off first! shall blog more tomorrow! :D ohya,they are all staying over tonight! :D haha. blog again! :Dopen the skies up for us,Dear Lord.
2:06 AM | Wednesday, December 24, 2008
dec 23/tuesday-met up with wanhao,victor,terence,danny and nick at the soccer court in amk. mengchao and jianyi never go. haha. was fun! but the sun was pretty hot! haha. :D after soccer,went over to kfc amk and eat. talked a lot tooo. headed home around 5.30. haha. alright. tomorrow,or later should be meeting jerome and wanhao to get the gift exchange stuffs. :D haha,i can't wait for christmas. i know it's gonna be fun! :D schools reopening in 12 days time! ohya,the pictures taken on monday from spencer's birthday are on chongling's blog! haha. oh dear santa,i hope my wishes come true. there's a lot of stuffs i really want to get for christmas gift! buttt,it's private and confidential! haha,so shalln't say it out here! alright,shall go get some sleep,even though i am still pretty energetic now! haha. nights everyone,and merry christmas eve! and happy birthday 0.o! :Dlong way back home.
1:00 PM | Tuesday, December 23, 2008
spencer's belated birthday celebration.
dec 22/monday-woke up at 8.50 again. just couldn't went back to sleep. plus i slept at 2 the night before. mannn. anw,went to school trg around 11. plus. met sirbest,darren and zhengquan at yck. pass them the num card. trg was alright,did more of shooting before playing games. left around 2,saw xt in school! :D haha. took 70,headed down to ite macpherson for combined schools trg. it starts at 3,so had to rushed after school trg. but turn out that all coaches weren't free to come down today. crap. so augustine took over. haha. we play games before playing penalties! it was fun though! haha. bathed and left after trg. went to meet chongling,shihui,julia and aizhen at plaza sing. headed over to cathay to meet sirbest,darren,zhengquan,nicholas,jiahao,shareen,yanhua and the birthday boy spencer! haha. sirbest was queueing up at the ASTONS restaurant already. haha. the food was great there! haha,worth it. it was cheap toooo. sure going back there for more! haha. sirbest,darren and nic left halfway. haha,it was part of the surprise though. the rest of us headed over to fort canning park! yanhua and aizhen left after dinner. haha. waited for the three of them. they surprised spencer with the cake when he was watching some kungfu panda show! hahaha. sing song,cut cake and gave him the presents that we all shared. haha. (: hope you enjoy your birthday! after that trained back home. :D had a fun day,but tired night. sorry guys,if i was really quiet throughout the whole trip! was really tired!okay,i am going to kick soccer with wanhao,victor,mengchao,glenden,jianyi,nick,terence and danny at amk soon! crap,i better get going! it's going to be 2 soon! haha. christmas is here! and i can't wait to celebrate it with those who are coming my house for the dinner! :D sure going to be fun! haha. and it will be the last week of entire holidays. before next friday. and a whole new year is going to start all over again. :D let's pray for doing well for our o's throughout the whole year and more stuffs! okay,shall blog again! :D point of difference is a nice song! i needed that courage and breakthrough to just say one sentence.
12:16 AM | Monday, December 22, 2008
dec 21/sunday-met up with mengchao at the traffic light. went for church! shaun join us halfway. service was great! it was about christ coming! (: the christmas carol was nice! :D anw,didn't went for cellgroup. went market for breakfast after that. bought jerome's butterfly. and went to the mrt. waited there for jerome and gary. headed down to queenstown after that. cabbed down to ikea for specific reasons! haha. anw,ate meatballs there! :D and i can gurantee the daim cake is superb! it's made up of the daim chocolate! :D very nice mannnn! i am going to eat that the next time there! walk around ikea and walked to queensway! saw jerseys there and saw some nice shoes! i am going to get the juventus jersey! it's really very nice man! hahaha. ate at some laksa shop,before leaving. walked to opposite bus stop and took 100 over to vivo. went to bought tickets for twilight! :D haha. (: after that walked around,before going to the rooftop and chat there for an hour plus! haha. then headed back to basement bought some food and seven eleven for drinks and to the cinemas! :D the show was quite okay i think. the time just went past so fast! cooool.kristen stewart was quite pretty,haha. the actor also quite handsome uhhh. haha. but the ending,a bit sucky. anw,trained home after that. enjoyed the day out with them! :Dalright. should be a pretty tiring but fun day out tomorrow! school trg from 11-3! will be leaving around 1.30 for combined schools trg! 3-5! :D then after trg,rushed down to somewhere! haha,can't say yet! shall blog more tomorrow! if i am not tired! haha! :D should have pictures toooo! alright,going to sleep now! :D blog again! :DYou are my God.
12:36 AM | Sunday, December 21, 2008
we lost.
dec 20/saturday-met up with jerome at khatib. i don't know why i am always early when meeting people this few days! haha. so weird uh. anw,took 969 to tampines mall. met up with victor at the macs there. we walked one big round around the basement and one big round around the first floor,but we couldn't find the posb machine. crap. in the end,we found it at the interchange. haha. jerome needed to withdraw,so he went alone. me and victor went to buy the tickets first. bought 5 tickets of yes man! :D haha. smuggled long john into the cinemas. today i brought the keeper set,haha. so everybody is smart,all put in my bag. haha. mengchao came halfway. gary too. the movie was hilarious! jim carrey was as usual! funny! :D haha. zooey deschanel! woooooo. hot actress! haha. she looks familiar! think she acted in another movie before! haha. after movie,went to tampines sports hall early. haha. NTU thrashed the RP team 16-2 man. wow. haha. match with fat boys slimming! so warm up,jogged around the sports hall. and team talk. ying hui and zheng quan came over to watch the match. started match,first period was leading 2-0! i scored my first goal of the league! and the second goal of the match! :D woohoo! turn shot,top corner! haha. but i got two mins a few mins after i scored. crap. lol. for incorrect pushing. but actually,was i couldn't brake in time and i drop my stick,made me look like i was pushing the player. haha. anw,we were 4-0 or 4-1 up the second period. third period,muneer was kicked in the head by one of the forward,accidentally. but he played on. but after conceding the second goal. asked him whether he was okay,but he wasn't. so played keeper. woohoo,i thought it was great to make some big saves. but turn out,i got scared after saving the first shot man. no confidence at all. and so i just let in 3 goals. but i have to say they shoot quite okay. we were just unlucky. lost to them 5-4 in the end. too late to say anything. i feel that i should have save the 3 goals,too long never paly keeper already man! anw,team talk after match. was told by andrew,rjc friendly cancelled. so went to bathe and eat at macs. took 969 back with jerome,gary,tim,sherman,yinghui and zhengquan. alighted at khatib,trained home with tim after that.alright,church then queensway tomorrow. perfect. haha. going queensway to look at next year b boys jerseys! haha. very tired today. haha,i really don't know why,i don't hope next week to come. haha. but i rather school starts next week. okay,weird thinking of mine. shall go sleep already i guess. brain not functioning well. haha. blog again! :Dmonday.
12:46 AM | Saturday, December 20, 2008
dec 19/friday-woke up early again. same,8.50. wahlau. haha. anyway,met up with gary and victor at yck mrt. very long since we really went out together! haha. trained to dhoby and took 16 to valhall. met up with mengchao there. gary bought his stick. after that cabbed down to haji lane. ate at blanco court prawn noodle stall! haha. frekaing nice! :D jerome joined us after a while. went to the fatpipe shop and turned out that they all not selling floorball stuffs there already! haha. mengchao made a wasted trip. haha,walked back to bugis junction. before going down the escalators,we saw tania and her sis and friend. they approached us to buy stuffs-.- me,jerome and vic run away. haha. in the end,gary and mengchao bought from them some photo album which cost 10 bucks. lol. mengchao went home. headed back to school after that. club trg! okay,pretty much sucks. volleyball was using the court. we had to wait till 7 then can use. -.- so played behind curtains on the stage first! :D haha. and for your information,only me,jerome,gary,victor,jianyi and tim turn up for trg. haha. i don't know what happen to the rest. so just practice shooting around only. and left at 8.30 went market for dinner. homed around 9.30. tomorrow match with fat boys slimming! :D haha. can't wait! going to catch yes man with jerome,gary,victor,mengchao and maybe wanhao before the match! haha. i hope school reopens now. i don't know why i got mixed feelings man. one part of me,hopes the holidays continue. the other part,hopes school reopens. crap. i don't know lah. i want go sentosaaaaa before holidays end! :D alright,wish us luck tomorrow! :D blog again! :Dtomorrow,yesterday. the past and the future. only God knows.
9:56 AM | Friday, December 19, 2008
n level results!
okay,been either too tired or too lazy to blog at night for this past two days. haha. so shall blog now.dec 17/wednesday-woke up early. haha. went trg around 11. and crap. the hall was booked. and the best thing was,there was only 6 of us there! what crap right! haha. did some shooting and running around before we sat down and just keep on talking for hours. haha. left around 2 plus. went to market to eat and continue talking till 4. haha. headed home with gary after that. saw grandpa and brother at khatib station,homed together. went out at 7.30 again. crap,i couldn't find my bible study book! haha. so went late. bible study was cool! MILK! hahaha. went market eat,jerome's treat! haha. homed after that.dec 18/thursday-woke up as early as 8.50! haha. actually i did that on wednesday too! haha. just keep on praying about the results! hahaha. super super excited and scared lah. prepared and met up with wanhao,glenden,terence,lizhe and mengchao at yck around 1.45. mengchao was late,so reached around 2. but everybody was still queueing up outside ava room. haha,finally results. 100% passes for POA! like wooooo! but miss chee wasn't smiling,no idea why. but 76.1% distinction for POA! haha. though i got a B3! haha,anw,got 8points for my results! i thought i would fail man. haha,here's the overall. english-B3chinese-B4maths-A2! :DPOA-B3! :Dcombined humans-C5combined sciences-C5haha,i knew i would flunk my humans and sciences badly. haha. but anw,it's time to celebrate! haha. wanted to go watch twilight after taking results,but all last minute,change plan. so headed home. haha,wahlau. school's starting in about 2 weeks from now! what crap. so i get the results i far more expected me to get. so i am going to work real hard next year man. this time i am really serious. i got a huge scare from this time round n's already. so yup! let's work hard for o's! haha. i want my humans and sciences to improve defintely. haha. Praise Lord for giving me such results! :D alright,going to valhall and haji lane's fatpipe shop with gary,victor,mengchao and maybe jianyi later. (: going to look at sticks and stuffs. haha. trg tonight! i can't wait for tomorrow's match with fat boys slimming! winnnn! :D alright,blog again! :DDear God,You Are Amazing.
11:48 PM | Tuesday, December 16, 2008
boring days.
dec 14/sunday-went church. couldn't contact mengchao and shaun was at ubin AGAIN. haha. so met up with jerome. saw stephanie on the way,so sat together during church. service was great(: holy communion. haha. anw,after church went off to market to eat. wanted to go swimming after that,but the weather didn't change since morning,so decided to go and watch floorball matches! haha. took 39 there,and the trip was crap. the worst bus trip in my whole entire life. haha. tyreso blue titans were playing RP warriors. and sad to say,everybody thought RP would win,but turn out blue titans won the team. haha,the match was pretty boring. next up,the two teams are going to be our next and next next opponents in the league. fat boys slimming and victorian old birds. so fat boys were made up of SMU grads/alumnis and some other players. got former swiss club player also. while victoria are made up of mostly vjc current crop of players and grads/alumnis. haha. watch the first period. fat boys were leading 2-0 up i think. haha,saw the score at home,9-0. woah,they look tough. but i think we can win them easily! (: victoria tooo. their teacher in charge was playing for them too. and he isn't a good player to me. haha. anw,took 969 back to khatib. and trained home after that.dec15/monday-woke up late! reached school around 11.30. haha. only around 10 of us were at trg. haha. anw,did drills and normal trg stuffs and played match. went off around 2.40. waited a while before nic reached. saw zhengquan in canteen. went market with nic and zhengquan for lunch. VERY FULL one. haha. waited for sharlyn at yck interchange. took 76 to spencer house. sirbest and his girlfriend were there too. watched two movies and the channel 8 show there. haha. watched stay alive and wanted there! wanted was nice,stay alive was okay only. haha. left his house around 10. and went to eat at some coffee shop. didn't eat much. wasn't hungry,plus my grandma cooked my share of dinner already. haha. bused to amk interchange. and trained home after that.dec 16/tuesday-stay home tuesday. that's all about today. haha. freaking bored. but time past very fast lah.suddenly i feel like working man. haha. like working seriously kills time. plus,the money is so attractive mannnn! hahaha. alright,school trg tomorrow. andrew should be finalising the school team. plus he's making a friendly for us with RJC. haha. results on thursday 2pm. confirmed already. haha. like what gary say,if pass,saturday match's score hat-trick. if fail,saturday's match don't need go already. haha. there's bible study at night tomorrow! okay,blog again! :Di wish you were here.
11:50 PM | Saturday, December 13, 2008
P9 3-1 NYP ravens
dec 13/saturday-yayyyyy! we did it! won our first match. although wasn't a very convincing win to show that we are a side that defintely can score more goals,we still did it! haha. shall start with the day. met up with jerome,shermin and dorothy at khatib bus stop. took 39 over to ikea tampines. stop at some bus stop after the expressway and walked over. haha. went to eat first! and swedish meatballs are awesome. superb. great. haha. walked around ikea! (: things there are freaking coool. especially their showrooms! their beds! woahhhh. hahaha. anw,took shuttle bus to tampines mrt station. dorothy and shermin left us,headed over to the sports hall. team central was playing against one west spartans. mr shashi was playing keeper for one west. haha. dinesh was there to help coach the one west team. zhen huan was playing too. saw karhoe and bryan in the audience. helio too. didn't notice about the score,was too excited about playing on tampines sports hall again and playing the league again! :D haha. warm up and did shooting and stuffs. team cheer and started playing. line 1! :D haha. first period was crap. probably first match jitters. second and third periods were much more better! each period one goal! two goals andrew,one goal jootat. gary assist andrew for one of the goals,victor assist jootat. final score P9 3-1 NYP. haha. (: can't wait for the next game. next sat vs fat boys slimming. haha. we want our promotion to div 3! haha. (: after match,team talk and went to bathed,changed and went over to tampines mall foodcourt/kopitiam to have dinner with,jerome,gary,victor,chenjie,bob,aaron,mengchao and roy. talked there for quite long. haha. bused home with gary,jerome and aaron after that. alighted at khatib and trained back to sembawang. (:there's church tomorrow! :D haha. praise the Lord for leading us to this win! (: swimming after that with jerome,i guess. i am feeling tired man. but now,all n level students are facing their fears and nightmare right now. n level result day. this thursday 18 dec. okay. feeling really the nerves. scared i fail,plus like what gary say,failing by 1 point,is really the most suay thing man. totally agree. maybe from monday onwards,i have sleepless nights ahead of me. shall blog again then! :D time and time again.
12:03 AM |
nick and norah's infinite playlist!
dec 12/friday-finally woke up at 12 today! i succeeded sleeping past 10am-.- haha. maybe cause i slept at 2 last night. so yeah. haha. anw,met up with spencer and abigail at amk. trained to dhoby ghaut. went to cathay to catch nick and norah's infinite playlist! cool show. bought tickets and bought shilin chicken,they went up to buy the drinks and nachos first. haha. spencer haven't 16 yet,but he still managed to get past! haha. i think it's pretty awesome for the show. the girl beside me keep saying wow,the guy so cute! haha. and fyi,spencer they all say it's an actress. one of the teenage actress on tv. haha. coool. anw,went to walk around,and trained home after that. (:YES. weekdays are gone,finally. here comes the weekends! :D yay! haha. tomorrow ikea trip,sure must get to eat my meatballs and chicken wings! haha. and and and i want to get daim chocolates! (: and i am actually talking crap to nic and faqrul on msn now. maybe i am too tired,i need my sleep! haha. we will win tomorrow! we will praise our Lord,no matter we win or lose! :D AMEN. (: let's win this.
12:14 AM | Friday, December 12, 2008
SG schools trg.
dec 11/thursday-woke up around 9.15. ate lunch and headed out around 1.30. went to yck. saw grace on the train. took 70 to ite macpherson. met augustine halfway and headed to trg together. trg can kill us all today. 10 suicides. it was like crap. vomitted again-.- maybe i very long never go all this physical trg. haha,but drills and match was great! enjoyed the company there. (: after trg,took 70 back to yck. trained to yishun to get andrew's armband. bought some other stuffs and headed home. around 8 plus went to eat with family and back home again.freaking tired after the whole trg! it's been really long since i had such trg! stay home friday tomorrow? boring man. i can't wait for saturday. haha. anw,now it's me,jerome,dorothy and shermin who are going. haha. jiani's not going already. haha. i know,short post. and yes i am going to end here now. shall blog again! :Di want to play floorball now.
11:54 PM | Wednesday, December 10, 2008
usual wednesday.
dec 10/wednesday-woke up around 9.30. packed my stuffs and bathed and went out of the house already. okay,i look like some idiot. cause i was carrying roy's super ultra big keeper bag and my back pack,plus one stick. everybody on the mrt keep looking at me-.- like i am some terrorist like that,lol. anyway,bought breakfast and reached school early! haha. yes xt! i finally did it! hahaha. ate my breakfast in the canteen,since i was early and went up with faqrul. played keeper for half of the trg. player for the other half. haha. okay,faqrul hit my ***** when i was playing keeps. straight at it,and it was like freaking PAIN. haha. stopped trg around 2.30. changed and washed up a bit and headed to amk mos to eat. haha. got some netball or volleyball girls took photo of victor! haha,super funny man. talked,crapped and headed home with gary. slept a while at home,before coming out and meet nic at yck sports centre there. played pool for a while. went to change and jerome joined us. trained till 9 and left. drank jerome's super digusting protein drink. hahaha. market for dinner. and homed after that. they were crapping throughout the journey. haha.singapore schools trg tomorrow! haha. okay,i still have to go get andrew's armband by tomorrow or friday mannnn. hahaha. friday is going to be boring lah. haha. yay! saturday going ikea with jerome,dorothy and jiani! haha,then match! woooooo! blog again then! :Di feel like telling you everything that i have kept.
12:37 AM |
12:02 AM |
body of lies!
dec 09/tuesday-watched tv till 11 like that. and prepared and left the house. headed to valhall for the trg. kind of boring at home,so yeah. haha. rello coach today. haha. bathed and went to vivo with mengchao. bought two plain topman tees! haha. met up with phillip and zhengquan. went to long john to have lunch. haha,then abigail join us. wanted to watch wild child and body of lies. but abigail reached late,left with front rows for wild child. so didn't watch. so bought tickets for body of lies. went to white dog cafe to have some lunch! okay,sounds very greedy! cause we ate long john earlier! haha. but phillip didn't eat,so yup. the serving is super little can. haha. then went to the rooftop and sit and slacked there. i fell asleep. LOL. haha. abby went to takeaway long john into the cinema. body of lies was a superb show. just that too much vulgar. the F word came out almost every 5 mins lah. haha. awesome show,really! should watch! tooo bad for those haven't 16 yet! haha. cause nc16 lah. headed home after that. met mum and two small cousins at sun plaza pastamania. bought macs home though,dad fetched us back.okay,trg tomorrow. and bible study changed to thursday! haha. so gym will changed to tomorrow then! :D haha. very long never go gym already. let's go pump some muscles! haha. alright,9 days to N level results. STRESS. alright then,shall go sleep! shall blog again then! :Dwhen i see that empty seat,i never fail to think of you.
10:41 PM | Monday, December 08, 2008
shopping spree!
dec 08/mon-haha. enjoyed today man. shopping spree lahhh. (: met up with jerome and shermin. went to plaza singapura to catch BOLT! :D our first show with shermin. LOL. haha. bought tickets and went to buy carl junior chilli cheese fries,before settling on long john for lunch. haha. went up,bought drinks and headed to the threatres! :D the show was touching and hilarious lah! haha,enjoyed! :D i think nowadays,disney movies are getting nicer and nicer. lol. saw roy and kenneth after movie. too lazy to take the train to orchard,plus it was still early. so walked to orchard! :D haha. walked to almost the whole of all orchard and somerset buildings. ate at taka mos for dinner. but i was really very full,so psped throughout plus one bowl of soup. haha. bought a polo tee at wisma's topman! and bought a flintstone series t-shirt at wheelock's NUM. haha. headed home after that. :Dlet me shit/rant out my list of boring weekdays and maybe fun weekends this week.tuesday-trg at valhall,boring. haha.wednesday-the only day i am looking forward for this week weekdays beside monday lah. haha. school trg 11-3. home then back out again for bible study with jordan at night. :Dthursday-haha. combined school trg and maybe gym with nic and jerome at night. friday-school trg 3-5. haha. boring.SATURDAY-YES. morning,no idea yet. noon,might go ikea with jerome,dorothy and the rest? 6pm match with NYP Ravens at tampines sports hall. FIRST MATCH MAN! haha.SUNDAY-church. and i got no idea where am i going after that! haha.so that's my week. three more weeks before school reopens. one more week and four days before receiving my results. and i heard that we might even get back our results on 15? no idea. haha. must wait for the news again. machiam PSLE. okay,shall blog again tomorrow! :Dthe skies are so blue,i hope the rainbow could make it nicer.
10:43 AM |
holidays are getting bored.
dec 05/fri-so like what i said in my previous post. went to coach stamford primary. woohoo,naughty kids! but fun lah! (: after that met up with spencer,sirbest and abigail at amk. bought mos for lunch,and headed to spencer house. slack there. slept a while there. haha. nic came halfway. went to bathed at his house and headed back to school club trg. while spencer they all went jamming. haha. trg was alright i guess. last trg before match with NYP! haha. powerplay and board's play! :D bought kfc at sun plaza and headed home after that.
dec 06/sat-met up with jerome,wanhao,nick and danny and the amk street socer court. cabbed down. wahlau,i thought like not enough players and nobody playing there. in the end waited for so long and rained-.- so went to shelter and changed. was about to head to jianyi's house,but decided not to. so went back to kick soccer with wanhao brother and friends. took 13 to pizza hut and ate there. :D superb lunch! haha. homed after that.
dec 07/sun-met up with jerome and mengchao for church. shaun couldn't make it. service was great(: didn't went for cell group though,was at someone house at punggol. haha. so headed to market for breakfast. mengchao left,while me and jerome headed to yishun safra for swimming. met up with shaun to get roy's keeper stuffs before heading down to the pool. i am roasted already lah! haha. bathed and played snooker after that! after that headed to the new northpoint to walk around. coool! but machiam old northpoint lah,just that the whole shopping mall looks nice. haha,but small. saw shihui there. they got some foodcourt just only sells jap food! woohoo. bought pastamania at sun plaza before heading home.
okay. december is here. and so are the league,results,christmas and many more other stuffs. i pretty much remember how it was to collect PSLE results. we knew that we were going to secondary school(like duh),but we never knew the results. we expected to get what we want,but in the end the results gave us a shock(in a bad way). and i really hope this time round,it will be a different story. 10 points is better then nothing man. okay,enough of all this crap. going to catch bolt with jerome and shermin later! :D haha. it will be a boring week once again,till saturday! haha. :D and next THURSDAY. alright,blog again! :D
i miss,
1:41 AM | Friday, December 05, 2008
combined school trg!
03 dec/wednesday-okay,sounds alme but i woke up after 10. lol! 10.10 to be exact. haha. okay,-.- anw bathed and packed up stuffs and went for school trg. haha. andrew wasn't there today. so play match on our own. ended trg earlier today,around 1.45. went to market and have lunch. headed home after that. came out around 7 and went for bible study. bible study with jordan was great! :D haha. after bible study,headed home. went to sun plaza and bought pastamania for dinner first. haha.
04 dec/thursday-woke up around 10 plus and watched tv,psp and online till around 1. bathed and packed up and headed to combined schools trg at ite macpherson! (: haha. only one coach was here today,mr shashi. so physical for the first 30 mins. vomitted out stuffs i ate,very long never did such physical stuffs already. haha. so played poison ball,then started 2-on-2! trg was funnnn. i hate the suicides,but i love the team bonding spirit kind of trg. :D it was great. haha. bathed and went to meet nic at yck before haading down to meet shihui and jerome. they are working at some suntec place. we ate with their boss for some reasons,okay i am just lazy to say everything out. anw,they went back to work,then we headed to walked around. went up to their office to find them around 9 plus and waited till 11.45! haha. cabbed home,haha. his company pay. lol!
yes,coaching stamford primary tomorrow! haha. 60 bucks just like that. haha. have club trg tomorrow instead of friendly! finally,one whole week of floorball have come to an end. finally. it's really tiring man! better go catch some sleep,morning trgs are tiring! haha. and the league confirm start next week! saturday! 6pm. haha. first match against NYP ravens. haha. yeah man, alright,i shall blog again then! :D
i feel that time just pass to slow,i hope next weekend comes fast,not because of the match.
10:49 PM | Tuesday, December 02, 2008
volcano blade!
woke up around 8 plus today. shit man,i can't seem to wake up late man! haha. anyway,watched the reaping for 45 mins on HBO! i think it's a nice horror show! anw,bathed and pack my stuffs. headed to valhall to train with those who attended the valhall course. since it's fathi whos coaching today,so yeah. haha. actually,my main purpose is to get the volcano blade! wanted to know how much is the stick too! haha. if it's cheap,i would defintely get it man. but it was like 220! super ex! bought a red unihoc water bottle too! :D coool! haha. went to eat kfc with mengchao and tim after trg. headed home after that.
i still can't get myself to wake up late man! haha. for this holiday i never really slept from 11 plus at night all the way to after 10 am in the morning! while the rest can sleep past 1-.- haha. perhaps i am getting used to work timing now! haha. alright,shall blog again! :D there's trg tomorrow in school and bible study with jordan at night! can't wait to try out my new blade man! (:
i am just running away from everything.
9:01 PM | Monday, December 01, 2008
trgs daily!
30 nov/sunday-met jerome,shaun and mengchao for church. wahlau,we can actually reach church early one! but thanks to me. okay,we late by 2,3 mins like that! haha,but lucky praise and worship hasn't start yet! :D haha. service was alright! went to market and eat after that. then went back to school,changed and don't know why,mengchao suddenly left. had COOL sports day. (: so played netball! :D had fun. then also tried out archery. wooo,superb man! super fun! :D haha. went to bathed and then jerome and shaun headed home. went to meet nicholas,chongling at yck mrt. headed down to plaza sing. (: bought tickets for 4 christmasses! :D some auntie asked us to use her free tickets,cause she wanted to change it for cash. think she got somehow cheated by us! haha. cause we use safra card to pay,so cheaper! haha. okay,sounds a bit complicated. after buying the tickets,went to meet shihui. ate carl junior's! :D haha. super full after that. then headed back to watched the movie! very very very nice show,really! :D a good comedy i must say! haha. vince vaughn is the man! haha. after that,chongling need to go bishan. so headed down to j8. she bought some stuffs and all of us headed home after that. super tiring day,but had lots of fun! :D
01 dec/mon-haha. woke up at 5 plus in the morning for no reason man. maybe i sleep too early last night. haha. was practically awake till 7 plus,before going back to sleep. lol. woke up at 10.30. and realise i was super late for trg. haha. chionged to bathed and stuffs and remembered that andrew told me the night before that he will be late. haha. bought breakfast and trained down to school. reached around 11.20! (: thanks ah xt for noticing the time! haha. training was super slack,but getting better in wrist shot! (: stop trg around 2 plus and went to market and eat. headed home after that.
anw,my boss called me and say i don't need to work from this month onwards! haha. cause i think i said i only can work for four more days only. haha. that's better man,i can finally enjoy my last month of holiday. going to the valhall trg tomorrow,heard it's fathi coach! haha. great,i can get discount on buying stick already. haha. anw,league's postpone to next week. sucks man. haha. everytime delay lah. alright,i guess you all will hear me post more of trgs and trgs everyday! haha. wanhao's family is going genting,and he ask us along too! haha. cool man. i want to go,but my parents might not allow. alright,shall blog again! :D
i feel like going on a holiday.
time freezes.